Clarendon Stables, Linlithgow

We were asked to fit an air source heatpump system as part of a renovation project in Linlithgow. Converting a historical and beautiful stable into a stunning home, the new homeowners discovered that getting a gas main to their new home was unaffordable. It was also not a practical option. They opted instead for a cleaner, greener form of heating system.

In addition to the ground source heatpump the homeowners also chose to have underfloor heating throughout the building.

The challenge for our team was that it was a 250-year-old building that needed to be brought back into use with an energy efficient heating system that was reliable and reduced their energy bills. The system also had to be fitted in a discrete manner that was sympathetic to the style of the building.

Clarendon Stables, Linlithgow

Another key feature of their heating system that the family really enjoyed was the ability to control their heating from their smart phone or tablet. Few customers are aware that with the air and ground source heat pump you can control your heating from your phone. A simple but brilliant feature our customers love.

The result was a wonderful home featuring a clean, green, energy efficient home with the luxury of underfloor heating. Reduced energy bills and a system that fitted into the style and design of their new home meant these homeowners were delighted with their new system.

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